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Friends Playing Video Games

Our Venue drop-in in Sutton Coldfield Town centre is our major point of contact and engagement with the young people in and around the area.


Venue outdoor basketball
Venue inside meeting friends
Venue playing games

​Unfortunately our Venue drop-in has had to close as from the end of July 2024 for the foreseeable future, due to Birmingham City Council deeming the car park's high wall as unsafe and some major construction work is required to make it stable again.


As an alternative activity, we are currently running Gap in the Park, Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons throughout August whilst and when the weather is favourable. Some wet weather contingency is being planned.


Do come and join us or just come say hi. We are also on the look out for some temporary alternative premises within the Town Centre and will let you know of any developments.


 In the meantime, please check our Facebook and Instagram socials each day for the latest and most up-to-date information as we await the Council's timeline on carrying out the work.

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