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Get Involved
We wouldn't be able to do all that we do without the amazing work of our team of volunteers, supporters and donors.
Can you help? We offer all the training for volunteers including DBS checks.

Our Venue drop-in is the major point of contact with the young people of the area. Our team of volunteers span the age range and help out weekly at the various after school sessions. The ability to spark up conversations with the young people or even just make them one of our legendary Hot Chocolate Mountains is all that is required.
We rely heavily on local financial support as well as external funding. Over the years various fundraising efforts and initiatives have been undertaken in support of the work of The Gap.
Can you do something amazing to support us?

We need a regular income of donations to keep running The Venue, Out There street work and HeadSpace one to one mentoring in schools.
Can you give a one off or commit to regular donations to support us?

We need supporters who can champion The Gap, the work we do and our young people.
We publish a regular prayer letter each month and a newsletter every few months.
Subscribe to one or both.
Can you help support The Gap?

Please share with others the work we do by talking with family, friends and colleagues about The Gap. Share our website, postcards, literature, email news and social media posts. Follow and share our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, YouTube.
We tend to post on Facebook and Instagram each week. We publish The Gap Chat podcasts on YouTube.
Can you help share about The Gap?
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